PERFORMANCE BULLETIN 120 – Metal Valve Diaphragm Plate and Disc Plate Update

The Diaphragm Plates and Disc Plates for 1.5”, 2”, and 3” metal valves (V424, VAV4, V425, VAV5, V426, VAV6, V427, and VAV7) are being consolidated. With slight changes in outside diameter, the Diaphragm Plate from the smaller valve will be used as the Disc Plate for the next size larger valve. All these plates will remain Stainless Steel material. Part numbers for Internal Part Kits and valve assemblies will remain the same. The plates are fully interchangeable with the old design and will be available once inventory of the old design is exhausted.

Because of this change, Part Numbers are being consolidated as shown below:

Plate PNProcess ChangeDiaphragm
Plate For
Disc Plate
43942OD to 1.30″ from 1.44″421 Valves424 ValvesObsolete PN 1074238 Disc Plate for
424, replace with 43942
4510417OD to 2.27″ from 2.36″. Convert
from Bar Stock to Laser Cut with
OD radius
425 Valves426 ValvesObsolete PN 1074398 Disc Plate for
426 and PN 43730 Diaphragm Plate
for 425, replace with 4510417
1074371OD to 2.87″ from 3.00″. Convert
from Bar Stock to Laser Cut with
OD radius
426 Valves427 ValvesObsolete PN 1074495 Disc Plate for
427, replace with 1074371
1074472OD to 3.73″ from 3.75″. Convert
from Bar Stock to Laser Cut with
OD radius
427 ValvesN/A

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